Pre Order

  1. 1

    Access Your Booking

    Go to and log in. Navigate to the ‘Purchases’ section within your AirAsia account.

  2. 2

    Booking Details

    On your booking confirmation page, click on โ€˜Inflight Mealโ€™.

  3. 3

    Choose Your Meals

    Browse the inflight menu. Add each meal you’d like to your selection by clicking the + button, then click ‘Done’.

  4. 4

    Confirmation and Payment

    Review your choices on the main add-ons page. Click ‘Confirm Changes’ to proceed to payment.

  5. 5

    Complete Your Purchase

    Enter your payment card details, confirm the changes, and complete the payment process.

    Look out for a confirmation email to ensure your meal booking is successful.

    Meal Variations: Menu items are subject to change, and ingredients may contain allergens like nuts or dairy.

    Pre-Book Deadline: Meals must be pre-booked at least 24 hours before departure.

    Changes to Orders: Any modifications to your meal order must also be made more than 24 hours before the flight. If the new meal is pricier, you’ll need to cover the difference.

    Proof of Purchase: Your boarding pass will serve as your meal voucher, so keep it handy during your flight.