“>Pre Order

  1. 1

    Access Your Booking

    Visit the Xiamen Airways website.

    Navigate to the “My trip” section.

    Enter your Ticket/Order Number and last name, then click “Search.”

  2. 2

    Access Booking

    Once logged in, you will see your booking details.

    Look for the “Special meal” button and click on it to start the meal selection process.

  3. 3

    Select Flight Segment

    You will see a list of your flight segments.

    Click on the “Select” button next to the segment for which you want to order a special meal.

  4. 4

    Choose Your Special Meal

    A list of special meal options will appear.

    Select the appropriate meal type for your dietary requirements.

  5. 5

    Confirm Your Selection

    After selecting your special meal, make sure to confirm your choice.

    Repeat the process for any other segments of your trip if necessary.

    Once all special meals have been selected, review your choices.

    Click on the โ€œDoneโ€ button to finalise your meal selections.

    If you need more information about special meals, you can contact Xiamen Airways at +86 592 222 6666.