Airline Special Meal Codes: What They Are and How They Work
Allergen free meals are generally free of seafood, wheat, buckwheat, dairy, eggs nuts plus other ingredients. Airlines in Japan such as JAL and ANA offer these meals whilst Singapore Airlines offers a nut-free meal which does not contain peanuts and tree nuts (including almonds, Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and macadamias), and their derivatives.
Read More AboutAllergen MealIATA Code: AVML
The AVML Asian Vegetarian Meal is a vegetarian meal that normally includes spices and flavours from India. It will usually contain vegetables, fresh fruit, dried fruits, legumes, dairy products, tofu, cereal, grains and vegetarian gelatine.
Read More AboutAsian Vegetarian Meal-AVMLIATA Code: BLML
The BLML or Bland Meal should be ordered by those who suffer from stomach or intestinal problems. These special meals will normally contain foods that are easily digested, soft to eat and with limited spices.
Read More AboutBland Meal-BLMLIATA Code: BBML
The BBML or Baby Meal can be ordered for infants under 2 years of age (depending on the airline, some airlines will only supply the BBML to an infant up to 10 months only) and will normally consist of pre-packaged baby meal products.
Read More AboutBaby Meal-BBMLIATA Code: chml
The CHML, or Children's Meal, is an airline meal code used to request food for young travelers, typically aged between 2 to 12 years.
Read More AboutChild Meal- CHMLIATA Code: DBML
The DBML or Diabetic Meal should be ordered by those who suffer from diabetes (high sugar levels). It's a low sugar meal that contains minimal salt, low-fat products, grilled white meat, high fibre fruits and vegetables, cereals and diabetic friendly products like sugar-free jam.
Read More AboutDiabetic Meal-DBMLIATA Code: FPML
The FPML or Fruit Platter meal may be ordered by people who are fasting, or perhaps vegan/gluten-free options are not available and this special meal fits the requirement. Generally, the FPML will contain fresh seasonal fruit only, and it may contain dried fruit without sulphites.
Read More AboutFruit Platter Meal-FPMLIATA Code: GFML
The GFML or Gluten-Free meal is designed for those who suffer from celiac disease or can't tolerate gluten in their diet. Grains such as wheat, rye, oats, bran and barley are eliminated from these special meals as well as flours starches and semolina.
Read More AboutGluten Free Meal-GFMLIATA Code: MOML
The MOML or Muslim is a meal that is prepared in accordance with the Islamic tradition and custom. No Haram (forbidden) products will be used in these meals including pork products, gelatin, alcohol, extracted flavouring from alcohol and non-halal prepared meats.
Read More AboutHalal Meals-MOMLIATA Code: HNML
The HNML or Hindu Non-Vegetarian is a meal for people who follow Hindu custom. Meals are non-vegetarian and cooked Indian style. It's one of those special meals that confuses a lot of people, people assume because it's called Hindu that it's vegetarian but the N stands for non-vegetarian.
Read More AboutHindu Non Veg Meal-HNMLIATA Code: KSML
The KSML or Kosher Meal is a meal where the food is chosen, prepared and served in accordance with Jewish religious guidelines. The meals are packaged in double wrapping which allows the meals to be heated in the aircraft oven that is non-kosher.
Read More AboutKosher Meals-KSMLIATA Code: LCML
The LCML or Low-Calorie meal is a meal of low levels of calories and suited to people who are on a low-calorie diet. Some airlines aim to have no more than 400 calories per meal, but this will vary from airline to airline.
Read More AboutLow Calorie Meals-LCMLIATA Code: LFML
The LFML or Low Fat meal is a meal of limited fat and cholesterol suited to people who wish to follow a low-fat restricted diet.
Read More AboutLow Fat Meals-LFMLIATA Code: LSML
The LSML or Low Salt meal is suited for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, fluid retention or kidney problems. No salt will be used during the preparation of food, and airlines try to avoid using food that contains added salt.
Read More AboutLow Salt Meals-LSMLIATA Code: NLML
The NLNL or Non-Lactose meal is a lactose-free meal for people who are allergic or intolerant to milk and milk products, or those suffering from low lactose levels.
Read More AboutNon Lactose Meals-NLML