Eva Air provides complimentary meals in Economy Class, ensuring passengers enjoy a satisfying dining experience during their flight. The meal service generally includes:

Main Meal Choices: Typically, Economy Class passengers are offered two main meal options to choose from, which include a mix of Western and Asian-inspired dishes.

Hello Kitty Themed Meals: Available exclusively on the Hello Kitty Jets, these meals are a unique and delightful offering for passengers on these special routes.

Breakfast Option: Passengers can enjoy a local-themed Chinese porridge as a breakfast option, which is also available in other classes.


Beverage TypeDetails
Non-Alcoholic BeveragesA selection of soft drinks, juices, tea, and coffee is available for all passengers.
Alcoholic BeveragesEconomy Class passengers are typically offered a choice of beer and wine. Availability might vary depending on the route and duration of the flight.


In Premium Economy, Eva Airways elevates the dining experience with a selection of appetisers and two main meal choices typically featuring both Chinese and Western-style cuisine.


Beverage TypeDetails
Non-AlcoholicSoft drinks, juices, hot beverages
WinesRed and White
SpiritsBallantineโ€™s Whiskey, Camus VSOP, Smirnoff Vodka, Bombay Sapphire Gin
BeersInternational selections


What meals are offered in Economy Class on Eva Air?

Eva Air provides complimentary meals in Economy Class, with a highlight being the Hello Kitty-themed inflight meals available exclusively on Hello Kitty Jets. Additionally, passengers can enjoy a traditional Chinese porridge option for breakfast.

Can I pre-order special meals on Eva Air flights?

Yes, Eva Air offers 22 special meal options available for pre-order. Kosher meals need to be ordered at least 72 hours in advance, while other special meals can be requested up to 24 hours before departure. Options include various vegetarian meals, religious-specific meals, and health-conscious choices.

What dining options are available in Premium Economy on Eva Air?

Passengers in Premium Economy can expect a selection of appetisers and a choice of two main meal options, typically featuring both Chinese and Western-style cuisine. Beverages include a range of wines, spirits, international beers, and non-alcoholic drinks.

How do I book a special meal on Eva Air?

To book a special meal on Eva Air, passengers can use the “Manage Your Trip” function on the Eva Airways website.

Ensure to book Kosher meals at least 72 hours in advance, while other special meals can be ordered up to 24 hours before departure.

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